Hello, I’m Lana aka NOT Scrotum S Sack*; I and my fellow MotherFanger, Finn Cousin Fans of Fangradio are going to be at your Chicago, New York, Philadelphia and Red Bank, NJ shows. May we have the honor of being your backup singers onstage for To the Island (if you aren’t in a Covid bubble)?
MOST IMPORTANTLY May I have the honor of singing Message to My Girl (ballad tempo)? Here’s my “audition:”
Isolation is also possible, in case you really like me and want me to stay for another, or perhaps sing during a jam in the green room. I can also sing Songbird (G), Spooky* (Am, ala Dusty Springfield) Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow (C); whatever fits the mood! I’ll be singing harmonies from the audience anyway:

To those of you wondering about this post, I’m a shameless Crowded House “Crowdie,” and Fangradio FangHive Seymour Finn Cousin. The only band I’m willing to admit to being a groupie for or even devote far too much time to being one for. But Neil and my FangHive Frenz have helped me through this crazy pandemic and I love them so much for that!
I wrote to Neil to see if he’d let me sit in with the band.
Anyway, please visit NeilFinn.com and enjoy/support them as much as you can!
These covers are not intended for sale.
UPDATE: I’ve got a fun parody song I put together. Please forgive my incredibly novice attempt at playing and production. I gave up on drums and left them as is because I figured they gave it a quirkier feel, but I know better than to play for myself otherwise.
Don’t get me wrong, Silent House is absolutely brilliant and gorgeous, but it’s almost too good and too tough a subject for some of us, so I felt I had to rescue the melody and simply lighten the mood with parody lyrics: